This site contains weather information, statistics, and real time data for the suburb of Roleystone, in Perth Western Australia.

The meteorological day used at this station rolls over at 9 am. Data is updated throughout the site every 10 minutes for current data, observations page every 30 minutes, and other pages daily. The gauges, console and solar panel page is near realtime, data updated every 5 seconds.

Alerts and Warnings
WA Warnings Summary Bureau of Meteorology (BoM)
Current Alerts and Warnings Emergency WA (DEFS)
Total Fire Ban Status Today Emergency WA (DEFS)

Dawn: 6:42 am Sunrise: 7:08 am Moonrise: -----
Dusk: 6:02 pm Sunset: 5:37 pm Moonset: 10:48 am
Daylight: 11:20 hrs Day length: 10:28 hrs Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous

Local Station Forecast Updated Hourly

Cumulus Software: Fairly fine, showery later

Station Hardware: Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hours.

Note: The above weather forecast is derived from this weather station and software only, it is very often inaccurate.
            The Bureau of Meteorology are much better at it.
Conditions at:
4:50 pm
8:50 am
Saturday 27 July 2024
Saturday 27 July 2024
(local time +8 UTC)
(GMT time)
Temperature and Humidity
Temperature Outside16.8 °CTemperature Trend 3 hr-0.5 °C/hr
Average Temperature16.7 °CTemperature Trend Last hr-0.6 °C
Apparent Temperature16.9 °CHumidity Outside65 %
Feels Like17.2 °CDew Point 10.2 °C
Windchill16.8 °CEstimated Wet Bulb13.2 °C
Heat Index16.8 °CDerived THW Index 16.8 °C
Temperature Inside24.2 °CDerived THSW Index 15.0 °C
Humidity Inside55 %Humidex18.2 °C
Delta-T  °C    
Rainfall today0.8 mmRainfall last hour0.0 mm
Rainfall Rate0.0 mm/hrRainfall since midnight1.6 mm
Storm Rain141.2 mmDate of storm start
Rainfall this month240.0 mmRainfall last 24 hours2.8 mm
Rainfall this year589.2 mmLast Rainfall27 Jul 2024  2:15 pm
Consecutive Rain Days10Consecutive Dry Days0
Wind Speed (gust)2 ktsWind Speed (avg)0 kts
Wind Bearing5° NBeaufort F0Calm
Barometer (MSL)1021.4 hPaFalling slowly-0.0 hPa/hr
Solar Radiation 33 W/m2Theoretical Max Solar Radiation80 W/m2
Ultraviolet Radiation Index 0.0 Sunshine Today6.6 hrs
Evapotranspiration 2.11 mmCalculated Cloud Base2708 ft

day night pie chart by  beteljuice
forecast icons by  Weather By You
moon phase icon by  GraemeT

page updated 27/07/2024 4:50:02 pm